"Laden with primed-for-radio songs, Chad LaMarsh's latest release once again delivers refreshingly soulful pop rock. The production (Anthony J Resta, Peter Collins producing; Karyadi Sutendja - recording/mixing; Bob St. John - mixing) is a top notch, pro job - can I say 'polished' without it receiving a poor reception? Polished is what suits Chad's music and the end result is a deservingly fruitful reward of his work. Chad's excellent vocals embrace your ears, his accompanying band and guest musicians breath wonderful life and form into the songs...There's really NOTHING negative I can say about any of the tracks, but the ones that snagged my attention in particular were "Can You Kiss Me", "Anytime/Anywhere", "Just Remember" (two versions on here - touching lyrics, inspiring feel), "In Between the Lines" (cool), and "Without Me" (great dynamics). Chad LaMars is regularly out there playing - catch him if you can. I know I ought to." Debbie Catalano